Thursday, May 31

change ur ip address easily using google without any change in speed

Using ip hiding softwares even pro for pc reduces our internet speed by 50% or more here is a cool trick just

input ur address there and choose a language you know example indians can choose hindi
now just click translate and that website will be opened with another/fake ip.
just open the site you want to,directly in one tab,and in other tab open it with translate,now refer to the orginal site in order to understand and use the translated site,
in order to assure that your ip is hidden just open whatismyip directly in one tab, and whatismyip with translate and you will see both ip’s are different,the former will be original and the latter will be fake.
Tags:how to hide ip and surf with fastest speed,hide ip with same speed,surf with hidden ip without any change in browsing speed

5 ways to access blocked website(s)

Fedup of blocked site?missing your fun?
Here is the solution,5 ways to access blocked sites

  1. use proxy of that site to open it-Blockers usually block the url of a site not its proxy that site can be easily accessed with its proxy to get proxy of a site connect to internet and press windows key+r
    now type “ping(space)site name”   without quotes ex ping verifiedtricks.comand hit enter mow you will see its ip address ex
    now open this in browser
  2. using short url-you can surf blocked site with a short url,the best service for this will be because it changes the url of that site to ur shorten url and does not redirect you to that site,
    just goto and enter the website name and choose a name now u can easily open that site by just opening
  3. using proxy site-There are large number of proxy sites with which you can easily open your blocked site(s) here are few of them
    • http://
  4. using google translate-translate your blocked website with google translate to another language you know(ex indians can translate it to hindi)
  5. use ultra surf-ultra surf is a very cool and capable software no need to sign up just download ultra surf and connect it